I Fed My Baby For A Year!
I hemorrhaged after delivering my daughter. Even after the blood transfusion, my body took awhile to produce milk, and my supply was low. If it weren’t for formula, she wouldn’t have survived the first few months.
Knowing she’s probably my last baby, I really wanted to breastfeed her (I don’t know exactly why. It was just something that was important to me). And then, when the PPD hit, I especially needed the attachment/bonding.
In our breastfeeding journey, there were a couple days where I exclusively breastfed. Less than 10, probably (and not in a row)
I’m so grateful (and shocked, tbh) by our journey, and the fact that I was able to breastfeed her for more than a year now.
That all being said… I couldn’t have done it without formula.
So yeah, congratulations to me on feeding my baby. ?
And, congratulations to you for feeding yours. It doesn’t matter how they’re fed, just that they’re fed (and even more importantly- loved!!). ??
You’re amazing!!