I Am Not Raising Genders, I’m Raising People.
I’m not raising boys or girls.
I’m raising a person named Ezekiel.
I’m not raising children.
I’m raising a person named Eponine.
I’m not raising a parenting style.
I’m raising a person named Escher.
I’m not raising a trend.
I’m raising a person named Etienne.
What is socially acceptable has little to do with who I observe my children to be. I use them as my sound board, not what is expected within a profoundly sick society.
I am working together with human beings, Co creating a beautiful life. Not one based in expectations or stereotypes or what the hot new take on parenting is.
Based on who they are, and that flows, day to day, minute by minute. The ways in which I’ve learned to pivot by the incredible ways they change their flow has made me a better and more compassionate person. More present.
I am raising myself.
They raise me.
Because I choose to relate to these people and under the idea that I don’t know them best, they do. But I know myself best, and with that connection, we thrive.
I am not raising boys; girls; children;
I am raising Ezekiel, Escher, Eponine and Etienne.
And I am raising Amethyst.
Written By: Amethyst Joy for The Mommy Confessions®️
#thehealedmother #amethystjoy