Why I Choose To Be So Vocal About My Journey
When I decided to have kids on my own, I knew it was going to be difficult. But, I never dreamt I’d have to single parent (or live) through a pandemic.
I’m not very comfortable sharing my struggles as a mom. I didn’t “happen to get pregnant”. I’m not a single parent, because I was “abandoned at the 11th hour”. My being a single mother, of these 2 amazing kids, is because every wish and prayer I’ve ever made, came true. I mean, these are the moments I’ve waited my whole life for. I feel like of all people, I am the last person who should be “complaining”.
But, it’s not complaining. It’s taken me 5 years to grasp this concept, but when I (or anyone) share my truth about the trials and tribulations of parenthood, I am validating another parent out there, who thinks they’re all alone. Or, any less of a parent, because they have these big, confusing, and overwhelming feelings.
So, here it is- I love my kids more than life itself. At the very same time, being a parent is hard. I’m tired. I’m lonely. And, more often than not, I feel like I’m failing miserably.
I’m not any less grateful for my children, because they sometimes, get on my last freaking nerve. My kids aren’t any less loved, because I sometimes, dream about 24 hours alone. It’s totally natural to wake up some days, and be done with the day before it has even begun. It’s not complaining. It’s acknowledging that when you care about how your kids turn out, how they feel, and what kind of example you set for them, parenthood is HARD.
No matter how loved your children are- No matter how much you love being a mom- It’s ok to admit your hardships. We all have them. No one is perfect. And the sooner we all support one another and our particular struggles, the sooner we can all be free of this ridiculous and useless, “mom guilt/shame” that most of us, unnecessarily carry!
Follow @AlexandraFisherrr