Bringing My Son To My Bestie’s Bachelorette
When my 2 best friends were getting married, I was the Maid of Honor. My bestie knew I was busy with mom life, so she kept saying, “I don’t want a bachelorette party. It’s fine.”
First of all, we all know when a person says, “it’s fine”, it’s not fine!
I’m not saying it’s the best bachelorette party I’ve ever planned, BUT, it was a lot of fun.
One of our other besties flew in from Florida, both brides-to-be met us there, and my son, my AuPair, and I were there.
It certainly wasn’t fancy, by any means.
BUT, we had a blast.
We stayed at an indoor waterpark (I said “it wasn’t fancy”). (*Kalahari Resorts, if anyone’s wondering. And, pre-COVID, I would HIGHLY recommend this place to anyone).
I know it doesn’t seem like bringing your kid to a bachelorette would be all that much fun. But, truth be told, it was great. Plus, I had my AuPair with us, so we were able to have some adult time, as well.
Being a mom means things are different now. I could’ve either skipped the celebration, bc of my child, or I could make the best of the situation.
Especially, now with COVID, bachelorettes, weddings, birthdays, parties, anniversaries, gatherings, friendships…. Everything is different than before. Different than expected. But, I like to believe there’s a way to “make the best” of most situations and circumstances.
Don’t throw the whole experience away, because it doesn’t look like you had hoped. Give yourself all the permission in the world to grieve what wasn’t, what you had hoped for. At the same time, do whatever you have to to make your day/moment, special and FUN!!!
Laughter & Love Are Healing!Allie