Happy First Birthday, Baby Girl!
Oh, what a first year this has been. It was different than the first year I wanted for you. And, it was different than the first year I had planned for you.
In a lot of ways, this has been one of the hardest years of my life. But, you were the light amidst a lot of darkness. You were the hope, when times felt hopeless. You were the bliss, when it didn’t feel like there was much to be joyful about.
This may not have been the year I expected, but because of you, as difficult as this past year has been, it has also been one of the best years of my life.
As I write this post, I’m sad that this has been our first year (earth side), together. I hate that we don’t have pictures of us on wild adventures. BUT, what we do have, is photos of us, living through a pandemic, at home. Laughing. Smiling. Surviving. Together.
I am so incredibly grateful for the little miracle that you are. And, even though we didn’t really “do much”, this past year, we shared a lot of precious, sweet, and wonderful moments, as a family.
This past year you found your smile, learned how to laugh, to sit-up, crawl, and stand. You’re a funny, strong, sassy little girl, and I enjoy every single minute of being your mom.
Thank you for everything that you are, and know that I love everything about you!
Love Always & Forever,