Kids, Love, & Healing
Oh, what these two humans mean to me.
I always thought I knew what love was, but until I met my babies, I had no idea.
My children don’t know it (which is an accomplishment in it of itself), but they have carried me through some of the darkest of days of my life. Merely, by existing.
I adore their innocent and precious little selves. I admire how unapologetic and confident in their bodies, they are. My 5 year old son wears pink and purple shoes, plays in dirt, loves talking about glitter and poop, and does not give AF what anyone thinks about any of it!! #goals.
Perhaps, what I admire the most about my kids, is their ability to “let things go”.
Sure, in the moment my kids may make a MOUNTAIN out of a mole hill. No doubt. But, once they’re regulated, again (I mean, they’re kids), they’ve moved on. They’re over it. They don’t hold grudges. They’re quick to love.
I have learned so much since becoming a mom. But, most of all, I have learned how to love (and heal). Not to sound cliche, but it has been the hardest journey, and the best journey, all at the same time.
May my children always know how loved and cherished they are.
Follow @AlexandraFisherrr