Wearing Nail Polish Doesn’t Make Someone Gay
To the people out there who say, “I would never let my son paint his nails, but it has nothing to do with him being gay.” Are you sure about that?
If your son asks you to wear nail polish, or a skirt. Or, your daughter never wants to wear a dress, or wants to wear a tie… Who cares? And, why? If it’s not about your fear about your child’s gender or sexuality, what IS it about?
I get that most of us are from the 1900’s, but shit, people, get with the times.
The point is… A color, a toy, a piece of cloth… has nothing to do with sexuality or gender.
If a little boy wants to wear dresses, your letting them, isn’t going to suddenly “bring out their gay”. And your not letting them, isn’t going to “block their gay”. But, if your child IS gay and you don’t let them feel safe to explore those ideas at home… it’s not going to stop them. However, it will break their spirit. Your children wants your acceptance and approval. When you feel ashamed of something they’re doing, they feel it. And, why would you ever need to feel ashamed of something as meaningless, as the color of someone’s nails, their hairstyle, their clothes..?
I get being disappointed in your kids when they hurt others, or themselves. But, I’ll never understand being disappointed in your kids for how they choose to express themselves. Or, anything else that doesn’t affect anyone else (like someone’s gender, sexuality, hair color, skin color, religion…)
It’ll be ok… I promise! Allie