Focus On Everything You’re Doing Right!
In those moments when your child is in the middle of a meltdown. They’re overtired, you’re overtired, and you’re 2 seconds from joining in on the tantrum, and throwing in the towel. You are still enough.
It’s so easy to be critical of all the ways we’re falling short as parents. “I’m not a good enough mom.” “I should be more patient.” “I shouldn’t get so frustrated.” But the truth is, we’re succeeding in so many more ways than we’re lacking.
When we look at our kids, more often than not, they will show us what a great job we’re doing.
Remember that time when your child was extra helpful, without needing to be asked?
Remember when your child came up and gave you an unprovoked hug, or called you “the best parent in the world”?
Remember the picture your child drew, just for you?
Remember the last time your child smiled, ear to ear, or better yet, gave a real belly laugh?
We are all struggling right now. Us. Our kids… Everyone! BUT, just like our kids aren’t “bad” for going stir crazy right now, neither are we. It’s really trying times for everyone. Be gentle with your kids, and be gentle with yourself. Cut yourself a break. Try not to worry as much about the mess, and focus more on making memories, and enjoying this time in whatever way(s) you can. Even if you do one fun thing a day. Or, one fun thing a week. Even a month. Your kids probably won’t say “thank you”, but their smiles, their hugs, their sweetness, will say it for them.
When we focus on everything we’re doing wrong, it’s easy to feel like a failure. But, when we focus on everything we’re doing right, we realize, we’re actually doing a pretty dang good job! Hold your head up high, mama. You’re doing AMAZING!! Look at those wonderful children YOU are raising.
You Are Loved!